How to find a font by its name from command line

How to find a font by its name from command line

To find where the font files are stored in the system, use the following command line

fc-list | grep <font-name>

For example:

# fc-list | grep '游明朝'
/home/transang/.local/share/fonts/Mincho/Yu Mincho Demibold.ttf: Yu Mincho,游明朝,Yu Mincho Demibold,游明朝 Demibold:style=Demibold,Bold
/home/transang/.local/share/fonts/Mincho/Yu Mincho Regular.ttf: Yu Mincho,游明朝:style=Regular
/home/transang/.local/share/fonts/Mincho/Yu Mincho Light.ttf: Yu Mincho,游明朝,Yu Mincho Light,游明朝 Light:style=Light,Regular

To convert a ttf font to woff, use

npx ttf2woff font.ttf font.woff
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