Generate assembly code with gcc/icc

  • With GCC, add -S option
gcc -x c -c -O4 -Wall -g -lineinfo -masm=intel -S main.c

main.s will be created in the current directory and includes the assembly code

To view assembly code along with source code, use -Wa,-adhlng. source

gcc -Wa,-adhln -g -x c -c -O4 -lineinfo -masm=intel main.c

The assembly code along with original source code will be printed to the standard output.

You can use -masm=att (default) if you prefer the att dialect.

  • With ICC, use -S option. Similar to GCC
icc -x c -c -O3 -Wall -debug inline-debug-info -g -lineinfo -S main.c

main.s will be created in the current directory and includes the assembly code.

  • To generate source code along with the assembly code, use -fsource-asm
icc -x c -c -O3 -Wall -debug inline-debug-info -g -lineinfo -S -fsource-asm main.c

Source code will be attached together with assembly code in main.s.

  • Generate from object files. source
objdump -d -S -l -M intel critical.o &> critical.asm